
113學年第1學期 研究生發表

序號 發表學生 指導教師 發表類別 發表的論文
1 呂博仁 陳美燕 研討會海報論文

Po-Jen Lu, Mei-Yen Chen(2024, August 21-22). Explore the Correlation between Inflammatory Markers and Lifestyle in the Coronary Artery Disease Population[Poster presentation]. The 8th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science, Pulau Lombok, Indonesia.

2 曾雅婷 陳美燕 研討會海報論文

Ya-Ting Tseng, Mei-Yen Chen(2024, September 7). Applying Health Belief Model to Assess Types of Injuries and Related Factors among Farmers in a Rural Hospital's Emergency Department[Poster presentation]. The Inernational Conference on Holistic Care: Person Directed Care, Hualien, Taiwan.

3 梁立容 陳美燕 研討會海報論文

Li-Jung Liang, Mei-Yen Chen(2024, September 7). Health needs and lifestyle modifications among middle-aged survivors of acute myocardial infarction: A preliminary study[Poster presentation]. The Inernational Conference on Holistic Care: Person Directed Care, Hualien, Taiwan.

4 何雅育 蔡淑玲 研討會海報論文

Ya-Yu Ho, Pei Yu Lee, Shu Ling Tsai1(2024, September 7). The experience of the good death at home of patients with a Terminal Illness receiving home healthcare from the perspective of family[Poster presentation]. The Inernational Conference on Holistic Care: Person Directed Care, Hualien, Taiwan.

5 翁于晴 蔡淑玲 研討會海報論文 Yu-Ching Weng, Shu Ling Tsai1(2024, September 7). Exploring the Phenomenon of Demoralization in Patients with Hematologic Malignancies [Poster presentation]. The Inernational Conference on Holistic Care: Person Directed Care, Hualien, Taiwan.
6 侯雅毓 陳美燕 研討會海報論文 Ya-Yu Hou, Mei-Yen Chen(2024, September 24-27). The health needs among hepatitis B virus carriers lived in rural areas: from the health promoting perspectives[Poster presentation]. ISQua's 40th International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
7 郭紋吟 蘇清菁 研討會海報論文


8 翁于晴 郭嘉琪 研討會海報論文 翁于晴、何雅育、郭嘉琪(2024年10月19-20日)。尊嚴療法對期末病人之失志改善成效:系統性文獻回顧暨統合分析[海報發表]。台灣護理學會護理研究委員會第四十次護理研究論文發表會,臺南市,台灣。
9 郭秋敏 蘇清菁 研討會海報論文


10 葉筱蔆 洪瑞鎂 研討會海報論文


11 廖婕彣 王俞蓉 研討會海報論文 廖婕彣、李欣怡、洪維蔓、羅珮慈、郭恬妘、王俞蓉(2024年11月1日)。以創意遊戲方式提升病人對做大腸鏡前飲食認知[海報發表]。2024台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會,桃園市,台灣。
12 陳彥如   研討會海報論文 陳彥如(2024年11月1日)。護理導向術後加速康復療程於心臟手術病人之臨床成效探討[海報發表]。2024台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會,桃園市,台灣。
13 陳姿羽 劉美君 研討會海報論文 Zih-Yu Chen, Mei-Chun Liu(2024, Novenber 6-8). The Experience of Pregnant Women with Poor Sleep Quality: A Qualitative Study [Poster presentation]. 30th Inernational Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH), Hiroshima, Japan.
14 劉家瑄 唐心如 研討會海報論文 劉家瑄、倪綉斐、王金敏、唐心如(2024年11月9日)。使用進階口腔清潔減少牙菌斑對降低慢性阻塞性肺病病人急性惡化頻率的影響[海報發表]。2024台灣實證醫學學會學術年會,嘉義縣,台灣
15 陳麗君 梁蕙芳 研討會海報論文 Li-Chun Chen, Hwey-Fang Liang,  Yu-Huan Chiu(2024, Novenber 22-24). Effect of Resistance Training on Fatigue in Patients Undergoing Renal Dialysis[Poster presentation]. The 10th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Nurse Practitioner, Tokyo, Japan.
16 柯明億 潘美玉 研討會海報論文 Ming-I Ko, Mei-Yu Pan(2024, Novenber 29 -December1). Exploring Oral Health Behaviors in COPD Patients: A Health Belief Model Approach[Poster presentation]. The 8th International Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing  2024, Hyogo, Japan.

