

指導學生 指導時間 論文
王麗萍 2015/08~2017/09 血清磷合併尿酸濃度對血液透析病人存活率之影響
The Influence of Serum Phosphorus with Serum Uric Acid on the Survival Rate in Hemodialysis Patients
張惠茹 2016/08~2018/09 外傷小組制度對腹部臟器損傷病患醫療利用率及死亡率之探討
The Discussion of Medical Utilization and Mortality in Patients with Abdominal Organ Injury by Trauma Team System
周芳如 2017/08~2020/08 探討肺癌初診斷病人及主要照顧者的訊息需求及相關因子
An exploratory study of information needs and related factors among patients with newly diagnosed lung cancer and their primary caregivers
蔣宛珊 2018/03~2020/09 探討血液透析病患血壓變化與脫水量之相關性與因肺水腫緊急透析的發生率
Correlation between blood pressure changes and ultrafiltration and its associates with pulmonary edema incidence
戴琬伶 2020/02~ thesis in progress
柯明億 2023/02~ thesis in progress

