

指導學生 指導時間 論文
曾夢如 2016/08~2020/02   介入結構式護理對四肢外傷病人之失能、創傷後壓力症狀與生活品質之長期影響
Long-term Effects of a Structure Nursing Intervention among Physical Disability, Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms and Quality of Life in Patients with Extremity Injuries
李小凰 2017/08~2022/02 慢性傷口生活品質量表發展與測量
Development and Validation of a Quality of Life Instrument for Chronic Wounds
張雅惠 2018/03~2022/02 慢性傷口病人疼痛、感染、與住院舒適之初探
A preliminary exploration of pain, infection, and comfort for patients with chronic wound
翁淑媛 2018/03~ COVID-19後疫情時代護理系畢業生護理就業意願之影響因素探討
Predictors of nursing employment of nursing graduates in the post-COVID-19 era
游文英 2020/02~ 住院病人不預期心跳停止之預測因子
The predictors of unexpected in-hospital cardiac arrest in patients
張雅惠 2022/02~ thesis in progress
梁雪雯 2023/02~ thesis in progress
王金敏 2023/09~ thesis in progress

