

指導學生 指導時間 論文
周美淑 2012/03~2015/09 探討臨床護理人員臨床推論能力、工作壓力、社會支持與自我效能之相關
The Relationships between Clinical Reasoning Ability, Job Stress, Social Support and Self-efficacy of Clinical Nurses
邱雲子 2017/08~2021/10 初產婦產後初期之漲奶與哺乳經驗
Breast engorgement and breastfeeding experience of first-time mothers during early postpartum period
王美樺 2019/03~ thesis in progress
陳詩樺 2019/03~ thesis in progress
賴玉純 2022/02~ thesis in progress
許慧琪 2023/09~ thesis in progress
楊春香 2023/09~ thesis in progress

