
指導學生 指導時間 論文
楊惠婷 2019/03~2024/01 探討肝硬化病人營養狀況、衰弱與肌少症之相關性研究
The relationship between nutritional status ,frailty and sarcopenia of liver cirrhosis
顏秀卉 2019/03~2022/02 探討膝骨關節炎病人於身體組成與身體功能表現之相關性研究
The relationship between body composition and physical function of knee osteoarthritis
洪子涵 2020/02~2023/02 比較多專業團隊照護介入及常規物理治療對膝骨關節炎併關節置換術個案於降低運動恐懼症之成效:系統性文獻回顧與統合分析
Comparative effectiveness of multidisciplinary intervention care and routine physiotherapy rehabilitation to reduce kinesiophobia in knee osteoarthritis patients with total knee replacement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
王愛惠 2021/02~ 比較腦中風患者有插置鼻胃管與無插置鼻胃管在舌壓、營養與身體功能之差異
Comparison of tongue pressure, nutrition, and physical function in stroke patients with and without nasogastric tube insertion
方雅婷 2021/11~ thesis in progress
朱怡勳 2021/11~ thesis in progress
陳翊珺 2023/02 thesis in progress
楊紘儒 2023/02~ thesis in progress
王培珊 2023/09~ thesis in progress