
指導學生 指導時間 論文
胡淑嫺 2011/08~2013/09 腹部按摩對護理之家便秘住民之改善成效
The effectiveness of abdominal massage on improving constipation in nursing home residents
黃玉梅 2017/08~2019/09 探討非創傷到院前心臟停止病患接受氣道處置與恢復自發性循環之相關
To investigate the relationship between airway management and spontaneous circulation in non-traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients
李垣漢 2019/03~2022/02 應用冷療法於前十字韌帶修補術後之成效–系統性文獻回顧暨統合分析
Effects of Cryotherapy in Patients after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair– A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
胡宇娟 2020/02~ 探討新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情期間復原力訓練介入對新進護理人員之成效
Effects of resilience training among the nursing staff during the pandemic of COVID-19
陳琬儒 2020/02~2022/02 探討全身麻醉手術患者壓力性損傷風險相關因子
Pressure injury risk factors in patients undergoing general anesthesia surgeries
林盈采 2022/02~ thesis in progress
陳碧奇 2022/02~ thesis in progress
蘇秋玫 2023/02~ thesis in progress
柯蔓珊 2023/02~ thesis in progress
侯文茜 2023/02~ thesis in progress